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Surrogate’s Corner: Why Surrogacy Was Great for My Kids

Sometimes potential surrogates are scared or anxious about how their journey will affect their kids. Will they be confused or sad when I don’t come home with the baby? Will they “get it”? But we talk less about all of the benefits to their children that many gestational carriers notice. Yesenia, one of our wonderful surrogate consultants, shares her experience here:

As a gestational carrier, I’ve often been asked about the impact of my surrogacy journey on my own family. Two years have passed since I delivered my belly buddies and I can see nothing but the positive impact it’s had, especially for my children.

1. It taught them generosity. Part of why I decided to pursue surrogacy was to demonstrate an example of giving and service to my children. I wanted them to know that there are many ways to give of ourselves and our talents to others. They learned about intrinsic rewards and felt as much pride as I did in seeing the new parents with their beautiful babies.

2. It exposed them to different types of families. My children learned about different forms family can take as well as the various ways that families may come to be.

3. It got my children interested in science and biology. I was incredibly open about the process to my children. They were fascinated by the science and were amazed at how something so tiny (almost invisible!) could grow to become a human being.

4. They benefited from the compensation. While the compensation has never been our main motivator, it did bless our family in many ways. It helped with our down payment towards a new house where my kids now have a large yard to play in. We’ve also placed a small amount into their college savings to hopefully avoid those dreadful student loans!

Surrogacy really has been a blessing to my entire family. It’s one of my proudest accomplishments, aside from my own children, and it feels good to know that they are proud of their mama too.