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Why Does Surrogacy Have a Bad Reputation?

Unraveling the Misconceptions about Surrogacy

Surrogacy often receives an undeserved bad reputation due to various misconceptions and unfortunate instances that overshadow its potential for positive outcomes. By addressing and debunking these common misconceptions, we can gain a clearer understanding of surrogacy and the importance of ethical practices within the industry.

1. “Surrogates are giving up their babies!”

One of the biggest misconceptions about surrogacy is that surrogates are giving up their biological child. In reality, gestational surrogacy, which is the commonly practiced surrogacy method in the United States and the only method we facilitate here at Brownstone, involves the use of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Therefore, the surrogate is not genetically related to the baby at all. Education and awareness are key in clarifying this misunderstanding.

2. Media’s Misrepresentation 

The media has played a significant role in shaping public perception of surrogacy. Many portrayals have created a skewed image, suggesting that intended parents are all celebrities interested solely in preserving their figures, that surrogates are all women who are being forced to carry pregnancies, and other wild scenarios. TV shows like “Friends,” “The Surrogacy” on Netflix, “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” and movies like “Baby Mama” have perpetuated these misconceptions. It’s important to separate entertainment from reality. If you want to learn more about the media’s portrayal of surrogacy, we’ve got a whole blog post about it here!

3. International Surrogacy Practices 

Practices around surrogacy vary significantly from one country to another. Some countries have legal and ethical frameworks meant to protect the rights of the surrogate, while it is closer to the “Wild West” in others. This lack of uniformity can contribute to a negative reputation, as unethical practices in one country may tarnish perceptions of surrogacy in another. The United States and Canada have better regulations than other countries, yet often surrogacy is painted with a broad brush.

4. Unethical Practices 

Within the United States, there have been instances of unethical practices. Although these cases represent the minority, they can influence public perception. Acknowledging and addressing these issues is crucial for a fair and transparent surrogacy industry. These unethical practices are also why it’s important to do plenty of research before partnering with an agency, and then ultimately choosing an agency that you trust. Ask your agency whether you have free choice in which attorney represents you and whether the money is managed by a professional, independent, bonded escrow agent.

5. Sloppy practices

Sloppy practices by surrogacy agencies can also contribute to the negative reputation of surrogacy. Some agencies may overlook essential requirements for prospective surrogates, potentially impacting the surrogate’s mental or physical health. Agencies may also fail to provide sufficient education, therefore putting a surrogate in potential harm. For example, an agency may neglect to inform a surrogate about the increased risks of doing a double embryo transfer rather than a single transfer. Such negligence undermines the ethical framework of consent that should surround surrogacy arrangements.

The bad reputation surrounding surrogacy is often rooted in misconceptions and lack of education, however there are instances where unethical and sloppy practices do occur. Brownstone Surrogacy holds itself to the utmost of standards to provide personal, professional, and ethical journeys for each and every surrogate. If you want to learn more about how Brownstone does things differently, click here

A review from Brownstone Surrogate, Ashley:
I had a great experience as a surrogate with Brownstone Surrogacy. They have given me a sense of purpose that I didn’t know I could have. As an agency they were extremely honest, trustworthy, friendly and always there when needed. The difference that Brownstone provided was a sense of family that you never hear surrogates mention they get from an agency. I felt like I was a friend or family and that is worth everything and so much more. Brownstone made every step of the journey smooth and easy and as a first time surrogate I felt 100% knowledgeable in every aspect of the process, but only because Brownstone took the time to explain everything. They answered all questions, and advocated for me when I didn’t even advocate for myself. Brownstone made the beginning phase seamless. With quick responses to emails, easy access to someone to speak to, and on time easy processing of all payments. I couldn’t thank Brownstone enough for allowing me to be one of their surrogates. If I were to do another journey, I would work with Brownstone again with no question!” – Ashley, Brownstone Surrogate

Brownstone Surrogacy is dedicated to professional, ethical, and personal support for surrogates and parents.