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Category: surrogacy

brownstonesurrogacy 04/18/2022

There were so many rewarding parts of my journey. The obvious one was seeing this beautiful new family that I had helped create. I’ll never forget seeing the nervous new parents trying to buckle their newborns in their car seats and knowing what excitement they had ahead!

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brownstonesurrogacy 04/6/2022

Yesenia offers her best advice to first-time surrogates!

Surrogacy is something I wanted to do for me and it was something I wanted to do for another family. Talking about the compensation and making plans for it helped make it about our family.

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brownstonesurrogacy 04/1/2022

"How can you just give your baby away?!" Educate the ignorant; ignore the haters.

Unsolicited questions and comments from strangers are an unfortunate part of the surrogacy journey. Here are our suggestions for how to respond to ignorant, intrusive, or plain offensive remarks you might encounter.

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brownstonesurrogacy 03/17/2022

A lot of prospective surrogates worry: “What will my kids think?” or “Will they be confused when I’m pregnant but no baby comes home?” Here are a few tips to get you started as you introduce surrogacy to your children.

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