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Category: surrogacy

brownstonesurrogacy 07/25/2022

Sometimes potential surrogates are scared or anxious about how their journey will affect their kids. We talk less about all of the benefits to their children that many gestational carriers notice. Yesenia, one of our wonderful surrogate consultants, shares her experience here.

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brownstonesurrogacy 07/1/2022

What the Supreme Court decision changes and what it doesn't

The topic on everyone’s mind these days is: How does the recent Supreme Court ruling on abortion affect the surrogacy process?  Here’s our best assessment of what does and does not change in the post-Roe v. Wade world.

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brownstonesurrogacy 06/21/2022

An honest and evidence-based summary

Now over two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, how does the coronavirus and the vaccine impact surrogacy, from matching to transfer, travel, and delivery?

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