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Category: screening

brownstonesurrogacy 11/7/2023

Unraveling the Misconceptions about Surrogacy

The bad reputation surrounding surrogacy is often rooted in misconceptions and lack of education, however there are instances where unethical and sloppy practices do occur. Brownstone Surrogacy holds itself to the utmost of standards to provide personal, professional, and ethical journeys for each and every surrogate.

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brownstonesurrogacy 06/27/2023

A guide to psychological evaluations for surrogacy

While the psych screening for surrogates may seem intimidating, it’s really just a way to get to know the surrogate better and ensure that she’s a good fit for the process. So if you’re considering becoming a surrogate, don’t let the screening process scare you off. It’s just one step on the path to helping someone else build their family!

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brownstonesurrogacy 05/4/2023

Surrogacy is a deeply personal and life-changing decision that involves a great deal of physical, emotional, and psychological commitment. As such, it is crucial to thoroughly evaluate your level of readiness before choosing to become a surrogate. Here are some key factors to consider when assessing whether you are ready to embark on this journey….

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brownstonesurrogacy 07/1/2022

What the Supreme Court decision changes and what it doesn't

The topic on everyone’s mind these days is: How does the recent Supreme Court ruling on abortion affect the surrogacy process?  Here’s our best assessment of what does and does not change in the post-Roe v. Wade world.

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