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Category: matching

brownstonesurrogacy 11/30/2023

Deconstructing SET, DET, and the Relative Risks

One question frequently asked by prospective surrogates is, “Do I have to carry twins as a surrogate?” In this blog post, we’ll dive into why we recommend single embryo transfers (SET) for the surrogate’s, intended parents’, and baby’s sake!

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brownstonesurrogacy 08/11/2023

Embarking on the incredible journey of becoming a surrogate is a huge decision that deserves careful consideration. Right away surrogates face a choice between doing surrogacy “independently” or with an agency. Here are just some of those reasons why a surrogate should partner with an agency:

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brownstonesurrogacy 07/1/2022

What the Supreme Court decision changes and what it doesn't

The topic on everyone’s mind these days is: How does the recent Supreme Court ruling on abortion affect the surrogacy process?  Here’s our best assessment of what does and does not change in the post-Roe v. Wade world.

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brownstonesurrogacy 06/21/2022

An honest and evidence-based summary

Now over two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, how does the coronavirus and the vaccine impact surrogacy, from matching to transfer, travel, and delivery?

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